Wednesday, February 1, 2023

#3DPrinting for Chocolate Molds #ValentinesDay

Valentines schmalentines. But also, sometimes it’s nice to just do a thing for, well, anyone in your life who makes you smile! And yes that person can be yourself! A few years back the Ruiz Brothers came up with the wonderful idea to 3D print chocolate molds and made a guide for the Adafruit Learning System:

You can import SVG vector artwork into 123D Design web app for really customized molds. Use the import option in the menu to add your artwork. You will need to extrude your artwork to at least 2mm of height. Your casting can be as big as you’d like, so as long it fits within the boundaries of your 3d printers build plate. Just keep in mind, the bigger your casting, the more silicone material you will need.

See the full guide and check out our gift guide for more gift ideas!

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