Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Sweet Song Of The $7 Violin

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Awesome recent episode of the Science Friday podcast!

The episode features Dr. Mary-Elizabeth Brown who discusses her 5-year-long project (and counting) of producing functional and affordable 3D-printed violins. She goes into great detail about the design elements, including materials and the printing process itself. Most importantly, you’ll get to hear how the 3D-printed violin actually sounds in comparison to a traditional violin.

Special thanks to Sean from the Adafruit community for the tip.

But there’s a new violin in the works—one that’s 3D-printed. It costs just a few bucks to print, making it an affordable and accessible option for young learners and classrooms.

Dr. Mary-Elizabeth Brown is a concert violinist and the founder and director of the AVIVA Young Artists Program in Montreal, Quebec, and she’s been tinkering with the design of 3D-printed violins for years. She talks with Ira about the science behind violins, the design process, and how she manages to turn $7 worth of plastic into a beautiful sounding instrument.

Listen or read the full story here on Science Friday.

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