Tuesday, April 4, 2023

New Guide: NeoPixel and LED Diffusion Tips & Tricks

At Adafruit, we’re dedicated to helping you level up your knowledge and skills and give you resources to make your projects amazing. We did some research and came up with a comprehensive compendium of diffusion materials, from papers to plastics to foams and beyond. We tested specialty LED diffusion products and compared them side-by-side with inexpensive household items to give you a guide to what kind of material will give you the LED pixel look you want for your project or artwork.

From the guide:

NeoPixels and other addressable LED strips are so much fun to use, and there are so many possibilities and ways to make beautiful things. The pixels are gorgeous on their own, but when they’re diffused through or reflected off other objects, they can become pure magic.

Adafruit’s engineers and artists have pooled some of our experience and knowledge about diffusion materials and techniques. We’ve tested some common materials, as well as specialty materials and interesting stuff we’ve found and love in hopes that you’ll be inspired and accelerated on your journey toward making beautiful things with electronics.

Check out the full tutorial on the Adafruit Learning System here: https://learn.adafruit.com/make-it-glow-neopixel-and-led-diffusion-tips-tricks/overview

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