Monday, August 28, 2023

Zynthian: an open synth platform based on Raspberry Pi #RaspberryPi #Synthesizers @Raspberry_Pi @ZynthianBox

Zynthian is an Open Synth Platform based in Raspberry Pi, Linux (Raspbian) and Free Software Synthesizers (mostly).

The ZynthianOS SD-image includes all the software you need for building a ZynthianBox, including a good amount of sound libraries and presets. This repository contains the Electronic Hardware Stuff: PCBs, schemes, parts specifications, pin assignment, etc.

Zynthian Box is a hardware device that runs the zynthian’s software stack. Although it’s not a closed hardware specification, there is a (more or less) cannonical recomendation:

  • Raspberry Pi 3/4
  • Supported Soundcard (ZynADAC, HifiBerry, etc.)
  • Spported Display (Zynscreen, PiScreen, PiTFT, Waveshare, HDMI, etc.)
  • Zynthian controllers (4 rotary encoders + switches)
  • GPIO expander (MCP23017) => Highly recommended. You could need it because the RBPi GPIOs are busy
  • MIDI IN/THRU/OUT ports => It uses RBPi’s UART (optional)

See more on GitHub.

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