Friday, May 17, 2024

A Nature Documentary on Your Cat, Made with Raspberry Pi @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Those of us with cats can lose hours to watching our furry friends antics. At times we can feel as if we’re zoologists, observing some strange new animal for the first time. We can even imagine David Attenborough narrating the curious behavior of our cat. Now we don’t have to. Here’s more from Yoko Li via Hackaday:

Detecting a cat with a raspberry pi and camera is one thing, but [Yoko Li]’s AI Raspberry Pi Cat Detection brings things entirely to another level by narrating your feline’s activities, nature documentary style…. “This feline exemplifies both the beauty and the peaceful nature of its kind. No email will be sent as the cat is not on the kitchen counter.”

Hard to believe that just a few years ago this cat detector tool was the bee’s knees in cat detection technology. Things have certainly come a long way. Interested? The GitHub repository has everything needed to roll your own and we highly recommend watching it in action in the video, embedded below.

See more!


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