Friday, May 31, 2024

Dr. Love: a Game of Love Detection #piday #raspberrypi

A barroom staple now in the palm of your hand. Uses sensors to ‘measure’ you’re excitement. The more excited you are the more in love? Ok, not hard science but fun for a flirtation or fight on the way home.

Excitement is measured with your galvanic skin response; or changes in the amount you sweat.

Full build guide from unkyulee on GitHub:

Dr. Love: is a business-card sized gadget to test if your partner is in love with you or just kind of meh. Simply place your fingers on Dr. Love, and it will reveal if neither of you, both of you, or just one of you is in love. Thankfully, it won’t spill the beans on which one of you is the lovesick puppy.

See the full guide!

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