Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Divoom Pixoo handbag LED display replacement #RaspberryPi

Divoom Pixoo Slingbag is nice looking handbag, with a 16×16 RGB LED screen in it. chebe was curious and wanted to look inside.
The bag is constructed well, of decent quality materials. The LED grid works very well. The app for it, on the other hand, is absolute hell. Other people have made alternative clients for them, like the DivoomClient for ESP32Divoom Timebox Evo, but the only one I personally tried out was the Windows Diwoom client. Which worked pretty well, but made me realise the bluetooth communication isn’t protected at all.
If there isn’t a client currently connected to the bag, there’s nothing stopping anyone else from connecting and changing the displayed image. So clearly the hardware had to come out.
The chosen replacement display is a Pimoroni Stellar Unicorn, a 16×16 RGB LED matrix, with a Raspberry Pi Pico W attached in one package. MicroPython was used to program it.
There are repos that will decode the actual animations from the app, but there doesn’t seem to be a ready library for implementing them in MicroPython (I saw a promising one for CircuitPython, which alas is not MircroPython), but I’ll keep investigating.
See more in the post here.

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