Monday, June 24, 2024

I am using AI to automatically drop hats onto New Yorkers @j_stonemountain

James Steinberg on writes:

I am a simple midwesterner living in the middle of New York City. I put my shoes on one at a time, I apologize when I bump into people on the street, and I use AI inference to drop hats on heads when they stand outside my apartment. Like anybody else.

I have extremely high foot traffic outside my window. I see a sea of uncovered heads in the sun. I believe will become the first of many window based stores. Here a busy New Yorker can book a 5 minute time slot, pay for a hat, stand in a spot under my window for 3 seconds, have a hat put on their head, and get on with their extremely important, extremely busy day all within a single New York minute.

As far as the mechanism used:

The Dropping Mechanism was the simplest thing to get working. I had a Raspberry Pi and an stepper motor lying around so I decided to put them to work.

I literally copied code out of an Adafruit tutorial for the stepper motor. This is a single Python file on the Raspberry Pi that the computer will run when the AI determines someone is standing in the right spot and ready to receive their hat.

See the full build in the post here.


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