Friday, June 7, 2024

Media Player With Raspberry Pi – Retrofited Vintage Clock Radio @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

One of the disadvantages of having a smart phone is that we lose our need for technologies of old. Wasn’t it nice to wake up to a clock radio playing a random song, rather than a beep from an everything device that can lead us from alarm to doomscrolling with the flick of a thumb? On the other hand, these dead media devices can be repurposed in very cool ways. over at instructables has great project that turns a vintage clock radio into a media player. Here’s more:

I wanted to make a multimedia player with an above average sound system and a touch screen. I really had no idea of what I wanted the system to look like. After thinking of several design concepts, the answer came to me one day while walking through a thrift store. I realized that I didn’t need to create a unit to install the components in. I would simply repurpose an old object to serve as the case/frame for my multimedia center.

With this new idea in mind, I started looking at every single item as a possibility. I had many ideas about what to use; everything from wooden crates, old nightstands or even an old vinyl record. I know some ideas sounded crazier than others, but it seemed to be a fun direction to take this project in. Then I noticed something that I thought would work quite well, a vintage Philco clock radio. When I first noticed the clock radio, I fell in love with its old charm. It seemed like the perfect case/frame for my creation.

See project!

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