Monday, September 16, 2024

Desk of Ladyada – the desk gets a lift! #DeskOfLadyada

This week at our desk, we’re working on my desk! We purchased a motorized ‘sit-stand’ kit so that we can spend a few minutes not on our butt. We can look at some design decisions for how the motors and controls work together.

We also got back a few prototypes we worked on from previous weeks: the sunken USB C breakout & ICS-43434 I2S mic work out of the box. Next, we might try wiring up the PCM1820 since it’s no firmware.

This week, we also managed to wrap up the Feather RP2350 HSTX – the tester needed a few tweaks, but the boards are finally live and in stock – more PCBs are on the way, so if you didn’t get one, sign up and we’ll have more in about a week. That means that 1) we can wrap up redoing the Metro RP2350 design, and 2) we can start ‘bones’-ing the Feather by swapping out components on the end.

On The Great Search, Ladyada looks for an I2S DAC with volume control and headphone amp. See the chosen part on DigiKey.

See the video below:

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