Friday, September 13, 2024

PiEEG-16 measures 16 channels of biodata on a Raspberry Pi #PiDay @Raspberry_Pi

PiEEG-16 is a cost-effective gateway into the fascinating world of neuroscience. PIEEG-16 is a versatile hat for Raspberry Pi designed to measure 16 channels of various biosignals, including EEG (electroencephalography), EMG (electromyography), and ECG (electrocardiography) without any data transfer over the network (WiFi, Bluetooth) and processing and feature extraction directly on the Pi in real-time. It is the follow-on to the PiEEG posted last year.

Affordable Multichannel Measurement: The PIEEG-16 offers a budget-friendly solution for capturing 16 channels of EEG data, making it accessible to researchers, students, and hobbyists alike.

Open-Source Software: Accompanied by Python-based open-source software, the device enables users to process and analyze data with flexibility and transparency.

Near Real-Time Performance: The system boasts almost real-time capabilities, allowing for rapid adjustments to the ADS1299 chip registers and easy customization of the provided SDK to meet specific user requirements.

Satisfactory Signal Quality: Despite its affordability, the PIEEG-16 demonstrates a commendable noise level and accuracy in artifact detection, ensuring reliable data collection.

Validated Alpha Rhythm Detection: The device has been rigorously tested for its ability to detect alpha rhythms, a critical brain wave pattern in neuroscience research.
This innovative tool opens up new possibilities for neuroscience research and brain-computer interface experiments. By combining the power of RaspberryPi with specialized biosignal measurement capabilities, the PIEEG-16 represents a significant step forward in democratizing neuroscience research and exploration.

Examples are on GitHub. See the video below and more on the website.

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