Friday, September 13, 2024

Solar Camera Built With Raspberry Pi @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Photographers work to control light and time. Here is a project that can harness even more use-value from the sun. This project will create a solar camera, powered by Raspberry Pi. Here’s more from Hackday:

Ever since an impromptu build completed during a two-week COVID-19 quarantine back in 2020, [Will Whang] has been steadily improving his Raspberry Pi solar photography setup. It integrates a lot of cool stuff: multiple sensors, high bandwidth storage, and some serious hardware. This is no junk drawer build either, the current version uses a $2000 USD solar telescope (an LS60M with 200mm lens) and a commercial AZ-GTi mount.

He also moved up somewhat with the imaging devices from the Raspberry Pi camera module he started with to two imaging sensors of his own: the OneInchEye and the StarlightEye, both fully open source. These two sensors feed data into the Raspberry Pi 4 Compute Module, which dumps the raw images into storage.

See more!

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