Tuesday, February 28, 2017

3 Ways Colleges Are Utilizing the Internet of Things #MakerEducation

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EdTech Magazine breaks down some of the ways IoT is being used in higher education settings.

In 2015 alone, there were more than 13.4 billion devices connected globally, which is almost twice the human population, EDUCAUSE reports. These days connected devices extend far beyond smartphones and notebook computers.

The rise of the Internet of Things means that literally anything — from slow cookers to vending machines — can be connected to the internet. As hubs of innovation, EDUCAUSE notes that universities are uniquely able to explore growing IoT technology.

“The higher education community can lead the development of the technologies, business models, ethics and leaders of the IoT-enabled world,” writes Florence Hudson, the chief innovation officer of research and education organization Internet2 in an IoT article on EDUCAUSE’s website

Read more.

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