Monday, February 27, 2017

Heroes of the Storm Auriel Armor

Germia is an experienced cosplayer who kills it in the arena of crafting armor. She recently applied her skills to Auriel from Heroes of the Storm and Diablo; she chose to use the character’s dark yellow skin. As usual, she started the project by making patterns by hand (you can see a picture of her initial draft below). She’s made so many patterns that now she can apply the paper to herself and go from there because she can figure out the necessary curves. With this costume, she also had to figure out making a harness and base for the wings, as well as crafting a frame for the wings and incorporating LEDs to light them.

View this video to see the detail and different aspects of the costume:

See more photos in this Facebook album.

via Reddit, top photo by Milos Mlady Photography

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