Monday, February 27, 2017

Demonstrating Bela for Digital Percussion Instruments | @BelaPlatform @beagleboardorg

Below are two very cool videos showing what is possible with the 2016 Kickstarter-funded Bela platform for BeagleBone Black. The instrument was programmed in C++ via the browser-based IDE – and you can see in both videos the latency is, well you probably can’t actually see or hear the latency, because it’s only ~1ms, so it sounds instant!

Bela is a great platform for making self-contained digital musical instruments and particularly well suited to percussion instruments due the low levels of action-sound latency that can be achieved with the platform. Latency (the delay between hitting an instrument and hearing it) is a big issue when it comes to digital percussion instruments and, as any drummer will know, it can be quite distracting when you are trying to play rhythmically complex music.

Here’s one of the first-recorded prototype demos:

And here’s a more polished, performative setup (still a ‘prototype,’ but you can see where this is headed!):

Now to re-tile the bathroom floor so when I walk around my bathroom chimes!

Read more.

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