Sunday, February 26, 2017

Help Stop Snoring with this Vibration Eye-mask #ArduinoMonday


This project tutorial from Instructables user mopluschen really jumped out at me. Full disclosure: I’m often kept up all night by my husband’s snoring caused by his deviated septum, which I used to think was just an excuse people gave when they wanted to get a nose job. Turns out, it’s real and it means business!

Anyway, the write-up is great and can be found in full here:

This project is to design an eye-mask that could through vibration to wake people up when they snoring during sleep. It not only could be used at home, also public space like subway, library or office to keep up the image. The principle is made use of sounds sensor to perceive snore sound and motivate the vibration board. It has two level of frequency according to decibel. The battery is rechargeable and could use more than 100 times or stand by 18+ hours test by my own.

It comes out that users have totally different reaction about it. Some users feel comfortable and useful. Some users feel be annoyed by the frequent vibration so that interfere sleep. However, this is just what I expect. Before starting the project I did some research. Believe it or not, snoring is estimated to be the third most common cause of divorce in the US and Great Britain.

Read more.

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