Monday, March 26, 2018

MTA Subway Alerts Powered by Raspberry Pi Zero W #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


Absolutely love this project! Would not mind having one of these by the door to help with those early morning commutes. And by early morning commutes I mean all commutes. From Michael Weinberg:

This project is designed to answer the question “if I leave my house now, how long will I have to wait for my subway train?” One way to answer that question is “if you leave right now you won’t have to wait at all”.

The project uses a raspberry pi zero to connect the NYC MTA real time arrival data with neopixels. The neopixels give you an indication of how far trains are away from the station. Importantly, the alerts are not based on the absolute time until the train arrives at the station (”A train will arrive at the station in 5 minutes”). Instead, the alerts are aware of how long it takes to walk to the station from my apartment and are therefore based on the time from the station when you get there (”If you leave now and walk to the station, there will be a train arriving in the station 5 minutes after you get there.”).

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