Monday, March 26, 2018

Quick Tour of Cern’s Antimatter Factory | @CERN

In all honesty it looks just like most factories in one way or another – but what happens in the factory is out of this world! Check out more images over at Pierre Muth’s blog:

I recently wrote a project page about re-purposing a flip-dot bus display for the Anti-proton Decelerator control-room. It maybe interesting to show you with pictures how this synchrotron looks like.

The Anti-proton Decelerator (AD) is a 182 meter long synchrotron. Its aim is to lower the energy of anti-protons. In contrary of the majority of the existing synchrotrons, the AD is used as a decelerator, producing low energy anti-proton and send them to different experiments. For the details, have a look on the official web page.

The AD stands inside a concrete tunnel build inside a large hall:

Read more.

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