Monday, October 22, 2018

Hyundai Motor deploys industrial wearable robots in N. American plants #WearableWednesday

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Via Pulse News:

Hyundai Motor Group Monday announced it was testing out exoskeleton aid on its factory lines in North America for robotic assistance to workers in their repetitive overhead motions to lessen safety risks and increase productivity.

Starting last month, it has distributed H-CEX·Hyundai Chairless Exoskeleton to the U.S. plants of Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors to give knee support to sedentary assembly workers.

It deploys the next series – H-VEX·Hyundai Vest Exoskeleton – designed for neck and shoulder support by the end of the year.

The H-CEX, the group’s first industrial wearable robot, weighs 1.6 kg but is endurable enough to buttress a body weight of up to 150kg.

The investigational H-VEX is a follow-up exoskeleton designed to support workers who lean backward to assemble a car. When a worker raises his hand, the robot provides lift assist, adding power of up to 60kg and helping prevent musculoskeletal disease and increase job efficiency, Hyundai Motor Group said.

Earlier this year, Hyundai Motor Group picked robotics and artificial intelligence as one of its five innovation initiatives for future growth.

Learn more!

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