Friday, October 19, 2018

ScaryPi Halloween #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


tomasC62 shared this interactive halloween display on Instructables:

Every year around Halloween we do a lot of decorations outside the house, pumpkins with lights, spiders, skeletons etc.

After that we are waiting for the childrens to knock on the door and ask for trick or treat.

This instruct is about building a device to expand the scary experience for them when knocking on the door.

I call the project ScaryPi.

If you want to use it for other happenings you can easily modify it to suit for example Christmas or a birthday party, etc.

The idea is to play scary sounds and blink randomly with lamps when motion is detected outside the door.

The project consists of a raspberry Pi, a PIR sensor and a couple of external components.

The PIR sensor is detecting motions, if there is someone at the door it will trig a GPI input on the raspberry pi.

A small program, written in python, then choose between 8 different sound effects and randomly blink lights on two different outputs.

Learn more!

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