Monday, March 25, 2019

This Day in Electronics History … Call for help, tweets’ coming #ThisDayInElectronicsHistory


We’re kicking off a new project that will celebrate companies, components, makers, hackers, artists, and engineers in the world of electronics every single day of the year. We’ve started to collect invention dates, birthdays of inventors / company founders/founding/incorporation and more. We’ve partnered with Digi-Key so expect to see some of your favorite components and companies as well.

The next round of this project is to get some specific dates from companies for when they were founded or other details when something was released, or some type of milestone.

We will be tweeting and sending emails to the various entities, this blog post is an effort to help provide information as to why we are asking.

Once completed, we’ll have a blog post each day of the year, JSON/RSS, device-formatted data for IoT/Calendars and a lot more!

Here we go!

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