Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sony’s proto-Walkman that went to the moon #Walkman #Technology

Via Techmoan on Youtube, the Sony TC-50 was an amazing small cassette recorder for 1968, small and rugged. Nothing like it existed and NASA chose it to go to the moon starting with Apollo 10. Techmoan connects some dots that may have not previously been connected:

  • July 1969 Man landed on the moon.
  • July 1979 Sony released the Walkman.
  • Sony’s TC-50 from 1968 connects these events.

The TC-50 crammed all the gear in a  small box, and when opened up, all the space is used! Incredible for the 1960s.

See the video (below) on how the TC-50 is posited to influence Sony in their release 10 years later of the Walkman.

To see the music the Apollo astronauts played on their Sony TC-50’s – here’s a Vanity Fair article examining this.

Are you interested in the history of sound recording, let us know in the comments below.



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