Friday, September 27, 2019

Raspberry Pi4 Firewall @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi


Cool project and write-up from instructables user TexasMouse.

With the new Raspbery Pi 4 (RPi4) just released, I decided to make myself a home-use firewall. After stumbling around on the Internet, I found a great article on the subject by Guillaume Kaddouch ( The article is amazing, and you should read it before going forward–it will make the process described here easier. The thing is, that article was written in 2012 and is based on the ArchLinux distro. Nothing against ArchLinux, but I wanted to make this using the more common Raspbian build. The RPi4 can handle the processing requirements. So, thank you, Guillaume, for the inspiration!! This instructable will be referencing back to Guillaume’s (“GK” for short) original post, you will likely want to have both pages open in your browser.

Read more.

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