Sunday, September 29, 2019

CircuitPython on any Computer with FT232H


This guide will show you how to use an FT232H to connect to I2C and SPI sensors and breakouts from your desktop PC running Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux. The FT232H also allows for general purpose digital input and output (GPIO) for things like buttons and LEDs.

The cool part about this is that you can then use any of the CircuitPython Libraries that have been written for the numerous sensors and breakouts.

CircuitPython and CircuitPython Libraries

As you are going through this guide, keep in mind the difference between CircuitPython and CircuitPython Libraries:

There are various hardware combinations that allow for running CircuitPython and CircuitPython Libraries. In this guide we will not be using the actual CircuitPython firmware. But we will be using CircuitPython Libraries. To explain this further, let's go over the main hardware platforms and explain where the FT232H fits in to all this.

CircuitPython on Microcontrollers

This is the most straight forward setup.

If you are using a microcontroller that can run CircuitPython, then you will most likely have the low level hardware interfaces needed to access the many sensors and other breakout boards - I2C, SPI, and GPIO. Even better, there is most likely a CircuitPython library written for the sensor.


In this case, you simply install CircuitPython, add the libraries, and then follow whatever guide goes along with your sensor.

CircuitPython on Single Board Computers

This setup requires a special shim library called Blinka.

Single Board Computers (SBC), like the Raspberry Pi and Beagle, also typically have I2C, SPI, and GPIO interfaces available. These boards are also powerful enough to run complete operating systems, like Linux. They can't run CircuitPython directly, but generally don't need to. They can run the much larger Python implementations, like CPython. To allow use of SBCs running Python to use CircuitPython libraries to access sensors over I2C/SPI/GPIO, the Blinka library was created.


In this case, you pip install Blinka, pip install libraries, and then follow whatever guide goes along with your sensor.

CircuitPython on Personal Computers

This is where the FT232H comes in. Here's why.

So what about your super powerful desktop or laptop PC? They can most definitely run Python. But can they also use CircuitPython libraries and talk to I2C/SPI sensors? Can they blink LEDs? Read buttons? Generally, no. As powerful as your Windows, Mac, or Linux PC is, it most likely does not have those low level hardware interfaces. Look on the back of your computer. Do you see an I2C port? A SPI port? A cluster of pins labeled GPIO? Nope.


So what can we do? Well, look again at the back of your PC. See any USB ports? Most likely there are several. Heck, there are probably even several USB ports on the front of your PC! Can we use USB? Yes, thanks to a specialized USB bridge chip made by FTDI - the FT232H.

This will allow us to do something like this:


With FT232H support added to Blinka, we can follow a similar approach as with the SBCs. The FT232H attached to the USB port acts as our surrogate set of low level hardware interfaces.

Neat! Let's see how we can get this all setup and working.

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