Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Why smart frames are the next big thing in wearable tech #WearableWednesday

Bose Frames Tenor with Mirrored Blue Lenses

It may seem like the ship has sailed on smart glasses (Google glass didn’t seem to catch on) but Esquire thinks the tides may turn. Some big names in tech have been queitly working on new smart glasses.

Via Esquire ME:

The reason for the rise of the smart frame is twofold; you currently need to look down to see your smartphone’s screen (so sticking a screen next to your eyeball is just easier) and specs tend to be big enough to hold all that required smart tech.

Now, for all those who think smart sunglasses won’t indeed be a thing, here’s a warning: Apple’s augmented reality specs are all but confirmed at this point and could be out as early as next year.

And if you don’t think that matters, then cast your mind back to a time when people didn’t walk around wearing two little white buds in their ears. Can you remember that far back? Because we can’t.

Read more!

Flora breadboard is Every Wednesday is Wearable Wednesday here at Adafruit! We’re bringing you the blinkiest, most fashionable, innovative, and useful wearables from around the web and in our own original projects featuring our wearable Arduino-compatible platform, FLORA. Be sure to post up your wearables projects in the forums or send us a link and you might be featured here on Wearable Wednesday!

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