Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Adafruit IO Basics: Schedule Triggers

Add simple scheduling to your projects with an Adafruit IO schedule trigger. Turn on or off lamps, fans, solenoids, and other small appliances without the headache of reading and parsing output from real-time-clock (RTC) or obtaining the network time

This guide's project is a continuation of the IoT Power Outlet guide where we built an internet-connected electrical outlet with an Adafruit PyPortal and connected it to Adafruit IO. This guide will take the IoT Power Outlet guide one step further by adding some scheduling logic to the outlet to turn a lamp on or off at a specific time or day.

This project is not only for scheduling and automating lights - you may adapt it to control a fish feeder, turn off an interactive art exhibit at night, water your plants at specific times, or schedule anything powered by an A/C outlet.

What are Adafruit IO Triggers?

Adafruit IO Triggers add some lightweight logic to your IoT project without writing extra code. Triggers are a way to do something when a certain situation occurs. This guide focuses on the simplest trigger type - scheduled triggers.

What is a scheduled trigger?

You can configure a scheduled trigger to publish a value to a feed, send an email containing the value of a feed, or even send a webhook message to a URL at a specific time.


You will need the following parts to complete this guide

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