Monday, November 2, 2020

How Ultra-Sensitive Hearing Allows Spiders to Cast a Net on Unsuspecting Prey

via Smithsonian

Not all spiders follow a Charlotte’s Web-style strategy to get their meals. Jumping spiders stalk their prey like cats, pouncing on their insect meal. Net-casting spiders like the ogre-faced spider combine a sit-and-wait strategy with lightning-fast attacks. By day, they are stationary and resemble sticks or palm fronds. By night, the inch-long spiders come to life, building a special web of non-sticky silk that they use to suspend themselves. For the remainder of the night, they dangle with their gigantic eyes fixated on the ground. When they see a tasty insect scuttle below, they leap downward, trapping their prey with a sticky, spider-man-style net grasped between their front four legs.

Read more and check out the full study in Current Biology.

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