Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Madeleine Tonzi’s Life On Mars #ArtTuesday

Life on Mars examines human relationship with our environment.

via Juxtapoz

Life On Mars begins with a concept: more specifcally, Glen Albrecht’s concept of Solastalgia, a feeling of longing or mourning from the loss of ones environment and sense of home. This has been a longstanding touchstone in Madeleine Tonzi’s work, who will open a new solo show with Hashimoto Contemporary in SF on November 7, 2020. Obviously, we live in an era where all sorts of loss is at stake: nature, human life, and a sense that we may never get certain things back. So what do you remember and connect with? So what influences Tonzi? She says “Specific colors and shapes symbolize the changing climate and its affects on the psyche in connection to our relationship with land. Florescent red bars throughout my paintings serve as a metaphorical thermometer, reminding us of the rising temperatures and impending catastrophe that are already upon us.”

See and read more.

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