Friday, April 9, 2021

Raspberry Pi Pico Guitar Hero Controller Is Ready to Rock #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi #CircuitPython

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Arlan Prado used a Pico with Circuit Python to give an old guitar controller new life. From Tom’s Hardware:

To pull this rockin’ project off, Prado modified an old Nintendo Wii Guitar Hero controller. In his upgrade, mechanical switches were added as well as USB support with the help of a Raspberry Pi Pico.

According to Prado, you can use his project to turn anything into a Guitar Hero controller. It’s built using Adafruit’s CircuitPython, a fork of MicroPython, alongside a HID Library that enables the Pico to act as a USB keyboard and mouse. The Pico is wired to each of the fretboard buttons but it can also control the whammy bar (if your controller has one).

Learn more! and see the project on GitHub

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