Friday, May 7, 2021

Raspberry Pi: Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney, Spotify – a DRM official solution #PiDay #RaspberryPi @Raspberry_Pi @lemariva

In previous months, if you have a Raspberry Pi, which is running Raspberry OS (Raspbian), and you think: “I can make a media center to watch some movies/series.” You configure everything, and then you see something like the picture above every time that you want to watch Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc. using the Chromium Web Browser. To avoid this:

During the last months, some changes have occurred (Raspbian changed to Raspberry OS, Chrome replaced Chromium) and I tried to maintain the code and the article updated . Last month (March 2021), a major change occurs and installing the Widevine DRM package to the Raspberry Pi is now a straightforward process:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libwidevinecdm0

Once the package is installed, you can now view the streaming services through Chrome without any inconvenience

See the info in the post here.

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