Friday, June 11, 2021

A Lamp That Transforms Air Quality Into Light Patterns @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Here’s a lovely project that aims to make air pollution more visible. Here’s more from Guillaume Slizewicz Studio:

Air pollution is sometimes called the “invisible killer”…. Yet air pollution is omnipresent in our cities. Government institutions and universities have long been working to measure and map it, and more recently, local projects and initiatives have also enabled citizens to become involved in analyzing and learning more about this complex phenomenon. But too often the data remain in libraries or laboratories and are, at best, disseminated on the internet…. Canary makes air pollution visible, by making the reading of data related to pollution instinctive, through the light patterns that a lamp displays, their speed, their amplitude. The objective is not only to give information to the citizen, but rather to sound the alarm and alert them to the need to act at that moment, at that place.

See project!

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