Friday, June 4, 2021

Debugging embedded software with Raspberry Pi Pico @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

If your program isn’t working, it’s got a bug. As it turns out, the term “bug” comes from the early days of computing. Back in 1946, Grace Hopper worked on the Mark II. Once, when the the room-sized computer developed an error, the issue was traced to a moth that had been stuck in a relay. Then and there, Grace Hopper coined the term “bug.” Nowadays, we can use a Pi to debug.  Here’s more from Raspberry Pi Blog:

To understand how a debugger works, we can start by considering the compilation process. Some languages, including C++, are compiled. A program called a compiler converts program source code into low-level machine code which tells the hardware what to do. This machine code is loaded into the target computer which runs your code. To see how this works, consider the following loop function.

Each time the loop function is called, it will add 1 to the value in the variable i and subtract 1 from the value in the variable j. We might want to run this function on an ESP32 device. This can’t understand C++ statements, so the compiler converts them into a sequence of instructions that it can understand.

See more!

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