Friday, July 30, 2021

Archie 2, an AI Robot from Alex Glow @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Bubo was always the best part of the excellent Ray Harryhausen-designed 1981 movie, Clash of the Titans. Bubo, the mechanical owl by Athena down to Perseus to help out in his adventures was super cute. And Alex Glow’s Archimedes robot companion, made with Google AIY and Raspberry PI, was just as awesome. Now Glow has come up with an update, Archie 2! Here’s more from the Raspberry Pi blog:

[Archie 2 uses] Raspberry Pi 3B, ESP32-powered Matrix Voice, and an SG90 micro-servo motor saw the personable owl familiar toughen up – Alex says the 3D-printed case is far more durable – as well as having better voice interaction options using Matrix HAL (for which installer packages are provided for Raspberry Pi and Python), plus Mycroft and voice assistant software.

See more!

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