Tuesday, July 27, 2021

What Blockchain Means for Contemporary Art #ArtTuesday

Blockchain creates a strange, shared space that lives outside of time. Or maybe it created a walled garden where a work of art can be protected forever. Or Blockchain makes a space where meaning vanishes into stasis. Even before NFTs became common knowledge, artists were thinking with Blockchain. Here’s more from HYPERALLERGIC

Since Satoshi Nakamoto outlined the fundamentals of blockchain in his 2008 paper “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” the technology’s assemblage of nodes, keys, hashes, signatures, and stamps has been further expanded. For example, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin, through his platform’s introduction of the Distributed Autonomous Organization (DAO), has allowed mainstream financial institutions and NGOs to modify the original Bitcoin ledger system in order to implement unique versions of the software for their own self-tailored purposes.

Following up on their 2010 book, Artists Re:Thinking Games, Furtherfield’s Ruth Cathow and Mark Garrett have collaborated with Torque Editions co-founders Sam Skinner and Nathan Jones to produce Artists Re:Thinking the Blockchain, a collection of contributions from artists, curators, writers, software designers, and critical theorists. The book is divided into three sections: documentation of artworks that incorporate or intervene in blockchain protocols, creative works including speculative fictions that explore the technology’s affective potential, and a theory section.

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