Thursday, August 19, 2021

Building a side-kick display for your PC #3Dthursday @dotMorten

dotMorten posts building a side-kick display for your PC:

I got the idea to just plug in a little external display to my PC and have a little app run on that. However, when you plug in another display, it becomes part of your desktop, and I didn’t want it to be an area where other apps could go to, or where the app that is meant to launch on it, would go somewhere else, which got me wondering: Can I plug in one of those little IoT displays I had laying around into my PC and drive it with a little bit of code?

These little 1.5″ OLED displays are great, and could do the job. The only problem was, this was an SPI display, and my PC doesn’t have an SPI port. A bit of searching and I found Adafruit has an FT232H USB-to-SPI board that can do the trick. A quick bit of soldering, and you’re good to go.

If you want to create a 3D printed case for it, you can download my models from Thingiverse.

The project is coded in .NET 5.

See more in the post here.

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