Friday, June 24, 2022

Incredible camera projects #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Becca Cam 3 new

The Pi cameras have come a long way and with them come a plethora of awesome projects. MagPi has this fun roundup of pi powered pic projects. Including one from the Adafruit Learn System

Adafruit’s Philip Burgess offers some great project ideas including this super means of printing out the results of your Raspberry Pi photography on demand, making use of the sort of $45 thermal printer more commonly found at a grocery till. The thermal photo printer works with any standard size Raspberry Pi and the retro photo results are just as good whether taken on a standard Camera Module 2 or the High Quality Camera Module. You’ll need an SD card for the Python code and Raspberry Pi OS, a large push-button, and a means of connecting this and the printer to Raspberry Pi, plus four AA NiMH batteries. A case for the setup could be as simple as a cardboard box or something fancier you design yourself or 3D-print from Thingiverse.

Check them all out!

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