Friday, November 11, 2022

Super 8 Film Editor Transformed into a YouTube Terminal @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Not many folks have any use for a Super 8 editing station, but a retrofitting this excellent piece of retro tech into a YouTube station is fantastic. Here’s more from Hackaday:

[edwardianpug] could have relegated this classy-looking piece of A/V history to a shelf for display, but instead she decided to refresh its components so it could display any YouTube video instead of just one strip of film at a time. The Boost-Box keeps the retrofuturistic theme going by using the terminal to search for and play videos via Ytfzf.

The original screen has been replaced by an 800×600 LCD, and the yellow USB cord gives a nice splash of color to connect the ortholinear keyboard to the device. Lest you think that this “ruined” a working piece of retro-tech, [edwardianpug] says that 20 minutes would get this device back to watching old movies.

See more!

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