Tuesday, March 7, 2023

New Tutorial: Make an LED Infinity Mirror Bubble Table with CircuitPython and IR Control #adafruit

LED Bubble Table Tutorial

Check out the latest tutorial from Erin St Blaine: make an infinity mirror-style bubble table with an Adafruit Feather, CircuitPython and an infrared remote control. This is a really fun project to build and share with your kids. It’s also a fantastic example of how to control CircuitPython’s LED Animations Library effects with an infrared remote. Control the speed and brightness, scroll through animations, or choose solid colors using the Adafruit IR Remote control. The possibilities are endless.

From the guide:

Bubbles capture the human imagination like nothing else. Ephemeral and magical, their rainbow sheen will delight and amaze anyone who gazes upon them. The magic of bubbles stems largely from their impermanence.

Watching a bubble float through the air can bring the mind’s attention fully into the present moment. Blink, and the bubble pops. The moment is over. Were you paying attention?

Enhance the beauty of your bubble time with this LED bubble table. We’ve made a waterproof, lipped tray for bubble solution with infinity mirror style diffusion underneath. Sculpt a masterpiece out of stacked and smoke-filled bubbles. Delight your audience and let your mind be at peace, enjoying the impermanence of your creations.

Add as many light modes as you want using CircuitPython’s easy-to-use LED Animations Library. Control the modes and brightness with an infrared (IR) remote control. The Feather RP2040 also includes battery charging via the onboard USB port. Use the table plugged in or use it onstage with a hefty 2500mAh battery.

We’ve also included our favorite bubble solution recipe, which is something every mad scientist should have in their arsenal. Although, we love staring at this thing even when it’s not covered in bubbles.

Full tutorial link: https://learn.adafruit.com/bubble-table-with-led-animations-and-ir-remote-control/overview

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