Friday, April 12, 2024

Custom Handheld Pi Zero HQ Camera @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

If you’ve ever run around at the magic hour snapping shots with a Pentax K1000 or a Canon AE-1, then you know the great low-fi analog feel of an old timey camera. Today’s version of that might be something like this design from Jacob Cunningham. Here’s more from hackaday:

Inside the 3D printed enclosure is a Raspberry Pi Zero, a Pi HQ Camera module, an 1.5″ OLED display, a lithium-ion battery pouch cell, and the charging and voltage regulation boards necessary to keep everything powered up. There’s also a handful of tactile buttons to work through the settings and menus, and a 10-axis IMU to help you keep your horizon level.

The hardware side of things looks more or less complete, at least for a first version, and [Jacob] has provided everything you’ll need to build one of your own. But the software is still a work in progress, with the latest push to the Python code in the project’s GitHub repository just eight hours old at the time of this writing. If you’ve been looking for a DIY camera project to really sink your teeth into, this could provide a great starting point.

See project!

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