Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Young people’s Astro Pi code is sent to the International Space Station

The International Space Station 900x600

Young people taking part in the European Astro Pi Challenge whose computer programs have passed a rigorous testing process, are about to have their programs sent to the International Space Station, Via Raspberrypi.org

This year, over 25,000 young people from across Europe and eligible ESA Member States are getting their programs ‘uplinked’ to the Astro Pi computers aboard the ISS, where they will be running over the next few weeks.

Mission Zero is an exciting activity for kids with little or no experience with coding. We invite young people to create a Python program that displays an 8×8 pixel image or animation. This program then gets sent to the ISS, and each pixel art piece is displayed for 30 seconds on the LED matrix display of the Astro Pi computers on the ISS.

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