Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What is Sacred Geometry? #ArtTuesday

What is sacred geometry? While the term may sound like an oxymoron, there’s a lot to mine in the long history of art created from sacred geometry for those with a curious mind or a taste for outsider art. Sacred geometry explores metaphysical notions through geometric shapes and proportions. And UFOs! For Tuscon-based artist Daniel Martin Diaz, sacred geometry both a jumping off point and a guiding principal for his complex pieces. Here’s more from JUXTAPOZ:

Diaz’s diagrammatical compositions draw from a wide range of sources, tapping into an aesthetic we often associate with early scientific or medical publications, filled with detailed black-and-white illustrations. Charts, geometry, astronomical phenomena, architecture, and the human body are just a few of the subjects he combines into orderly, sometimes surreal visual structures.

The artist describes his work as “a quest to articulate the ineffable,” juxtaposing references to technology with the unseen forces of the universe through which everything—and everyone—is connected. Through his vivid, illustrative pieces, he ponders “the implications of technology on humanity’s future and our collective responsibility towards the world and each other.”

See more!



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