Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Meet the 11-Year-Old Who Invented a Healthy Lollipop #makereducation

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Smithsonian Magazine recently profiled Alina Morse, a young maker who’s created a healthy lollipop.

Alina Morse has always had a mind for entrepreneurship. From a very young age, she kept a journal of business ideas she might one day want to execute. Peanut butter and jelly that squirted from the same tube was one of them, Morse notes, explaining that if a parent didn’t have time to make a sandwich, kids could just take the tube in a lunchbox and make their own.

It was a different food product that eventually held her interest, and it took under a decade for this first venture to get off the ground. At 11 years old, Morse is the brains behind Zollipops, the Stevia-sweetened lollipops that reduce acidity in the mouth and help reduce the risk of cavities. The suckers may be geared toward parents seeking a healthier alternative to sugary sweets, but the colorful Zollipops are designed with just about any sweet tooth in mind. Made with plant-derived sugar alternatives erythritol and xylitol, they are gluten-free, vegan, and kosher.

Read more.

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