Monday, July 31, 2017

‘Cycflix’ makes you pedal for your Netflix binges!

Via Mashable:

No more excuses for why you can’t reach your fitness goals and catch up on your Neflix queue this summer, there’s just one catch: you can only do them both at the same time.

Engineering student Ronan Byrne’s has invented the ultimate guilt machine that lets you watch Netflix, but only while you pedal your butt off.

Byrne hooked up an Arduino to control the functioning of Netflix through the movement of the cycle. If you you stop cycling or go below your the target speed too long, your Netflix video will stop – until you pick back up, of course. TBH, it looks a little annoying to have all those pop ups telling you how to watch, but it also looks like it works.

Byrne goes into detail about the project on his blog, but long story short: if you want to watch, you gotta feel the burn.

See more at Mashable or checkout the Instructable for full details!

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