Monday, July 31, 2017

Magical, Striking Scenes From … Google Street View?

Atacama Region Chile

Beautiful images from an unlikely source, via WIRED.

Jacqui Kenny spent a full day wandering around Saint-Louis, Senegal searching for the perfect photo. She was about to give up when she rounded a corner and spotted it: Two women in head scarves walking by a mosque. The bright colors, long shadows, and symmetry were just right. Kenny pressed shift-command-3 on her keyboard and — snap — the image was on her desktop.

It’s one of 27,000 screen grabs Kenny made while virtually wandering cities around the world on Google Street View. The photos capture sweeping scenes so striking you’d never guess they were created on a website most people use for directions. “It’s a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack,” she says. “You go around every street hoping you’re going to catch a moment, but it only happens if you spend enough time looking.”

Read more.

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