Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Building Drogon from Game of Thrones

You don’t have to walk into fire to hatch a dragon. If you’re a maker like Raptor with a Shotgun, you can just create a Game of Thrones dragon from scratch. She built a miniature, detailed Drogon for the season seven finale of the HBO series — Drogon is the red and black dragon Daenerys rides.

She spent over two weeks making the dragon. It stands a foot and a half tall and weighs 40 pounds. That makes it a little heavy to carry around as a prop to go with a Targaryen costume, but it’s still worthwhile to see the process. Raptor, a.k.a. Maya Lowry, started with a sketch and built the base of the body from aluminum foil. She sculpted the head and all of Drogon’s scales. You can see a few progress pictures below, with more at Facebook.

via The RPF on Facebook

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