Saturday, August 26, 2017

Do One Thing to Commemorate Women’s Equality Day #NationalWomensHistoryProject #WomensEqualityDay

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This year, celebrate Women’s Equality Day by getting involved! Women Employed mobilizes people and organizations to expand educational and employment opportunities for America’s working women. You can join the cause here!

Do One Thing is a comprehensive calendar of events that aim to make the world a better place, check out their Women’s Equality Day coverage, Via Do One Thing

Even though they make up at least half the population, women and girls have endured discrimination in most societies for thousands of years. In the past, women were treated as property of their husbands or fathers – they couldn’t own land, they couldn’t vote or go to school, and they could be beaten and abused. Over the last hundred years, much progress has been made to gain equal rights for women around the world, but many still live without the rights to which all people are entitled.

Women’s Equality Day commemorates the certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting American women the right to vote in 1920. This occasion has been celebrated since 1973 by Presidential Proclamation after a bill introduced by Congresswoman Bella Abzug. Women’s Equality Day is an opportunity to celebrate the victories for equality that women have won, and to rededicate our commitment to eliminate discrimination against women.

Get involved and check out Do One Thing’s full calendar of events for making the world a better place! Check out The National Womens History Project – They recognized and celebrate the accomplishments of women! They are a great resource with a calendar of events, lists of ideas for celebrating Womens Equality Day and more!

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