Monday, August 28, 2017

Japanese Robots Trained to Perform Buddhist Funeral Rites #robotics


Softbank’s adorable little Pepper robot is truly multi-talented. Last holiday season, Pepper helped shoppers navigate busy California malls. This summer, Pepper’s learning to deliver Buddhist funeral rites.

Who teaches a robot to perform last rites? In this particular case, Nissei Eco Co., which does plastic injection and extrusion molding for the medical and automotive industries. Its engineers coded the software allow Pepper to perform its priestly duties.

At this year’s installment of the Life Ending Industry EXPO 2017 (which sounds a little scary, but it’s actually just a funeral thing), Pepper sat on the show floor tapping out a beat on a wooden fish while chanting. Pepper looked the part, too, thanks to its traditional Buddhist robes.

Read more.

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