Wednesday, September 27, 2017

IEEE Spectrum is at IROS 2017 to Bring You the Most Exciting Robotics Research From Around the World


The International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems is going on right now in Vancouver, Via IEEE Spectrum

The 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) is celebrating its 30th anniversary in Vancouver this week. Things kick off this morning, with 18 technical tracks all running at the same time.

There are over 1,200 papers being presented this year, meaning that we have a packed schedule over the next three days, trying (as we always do) to attend over a hundred talks plus posters and competitions and keynotes and plenaries and forums and the expo even though it’s physically impossible to do everything. We’ll happily die trying, though, and if there are specific things you’re interested in (check out the conference website to see what’s going on), leave a comment or ping us at @BotJunkie and @AutomatonBlog on Twitter and we’ll do our absolute best for you.

This week (and over the next few weeks as well), you can expect posts featuring the best technical papers from IROS, as well as a special Video Friday full of weird and amazing new robots. And as always, if you’re at the conference, let us know what cool things you’ve seen so that we can help bring them to the rest of the world.

See more!

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