Wednesday, September 27, 2017

This How to Train Your Dragon Prop Looks Like It Could Fly

Building a dragon is a commitment. John Marks of Brazen Monkey specializes in tackling the seemingly impossible though. Marks has been a maker for 25 years and handles everything from costume design, to sculpting, to special effects makeup. He got to use a combination of those skills when he made Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon. The dragon-sized prop started as a sculpt covered in expanding foam. The process was lengthy and included things like making Toothless’ eyes, getting the dragon’s skin texture just right, making the wings, and so much more. Here’s how he made the scale texutre:

This is how I made the smaller scale texture on the skin. I beaded up hot glue on a cooking sheet, and then coated it with several thin layers of Silicone I Clear caulk. That made a mold/template for me to simply press into the clay to get the scale effect. (I later did a larger bead mold to texture the chest and legs.)

You can see a photo of that process just below.

See more of the dragon coming together in this Facebook album.

via The RPF

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