Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Forbes top 10 predictions in global health care sees focus on technology

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Forbes put out this article the article, Top 10 Predictions for the Global Healthcare Market to Cross the 1.85 Trillion Mark in 2018. Check out these tech based predictions below:

Prediction #1: Service-as-Product Solutions to become the Powerful Tool to achieve Competitive Advantage in Healthcare

Prediction #2: Cloud emerges as Core Platform across multiple sectors as Healthcare Stakeholders demand Cost Efficiency

Prediction #3: Big Tech Companies will see High Rewards from their Investments

Prediction #4: Virtual and Remote Clinical Trials adoption increases to shift focus on Efficiency and Patient-centricity

Prediction 5: Robotics for Surgery and Care Assistance within Hospitals attains High Penetration

Prediction 6: Asia-pacific Countries Take the Lead on Smart Hospital Projects

Prediction 7: Despite increased investments by healthcare stakeholders Cyberattacks on healthcare industry are expected to double during 2018

Prediction 8: Incentive-based Wellness Programs Gain Popularity

Prediction #9: AI go mainstream for Imaging diagnostics segment

Read more!

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